It's notable that the exact identity of a few stones mentioned in Exodus 28 and Revelation 21 are uncertain and differ from translation to translation. Since many of the stones are now contemporary birthstones, I will highlight them in the months in which they correspond, not necessarily in the order they are mentioned in scripture. It's also notable that the number 12(the number of perfection in government, and completion) is a key theme throughout these particular posts.
The Gems of Exodus and Revelation - Beryl
Beryl is the mineral name of several important gemstones. All transparent varieties of Beryl may be used as gemstones, although Emerald and Aquamarine are by far the most well-known and important varieties. Pure Beryl is colorless; traces of different impurities are responsible for the color range. Each color variety has a distinct name in the gemstone trade:
- Emerald, the green variety, is the most popular green gemstone and is one of the most valuable gems.
- Aquamarine, the blue to blue-green variety. The previous post was devoted to this variety.
- Morganite, the pink variety, named after the banker J.P. Morgan, who was an avid gemstone collector. Morganite may also be called "Pink Beryl". "Peach Beryl", or "Champagne Beryl", is Morganite with an orange-pink color.
- Heliodor is the variety including all yellow, yellow-green, light-green, orange, and brown Beryl.
- Golden Beryl, sometimes also called "Heliodorite", is a variety of Heliodor with a golden yellow color.
- Goshenite is the colorless variety of Beryl, and is not commonly used as gemstone.
- Red Beryl, also known as Bixbite, is very rare and deep red.
Matthew was called to follow Jesus from the greedy and publicly despised tax collection business, and he is represented by beryl in the 8th foundation of the New Jerusalem. Eight is the number of 'new beginnings' in scripture. Both apostles Luke (5:27)and Mark (2:14) call him Levi, which could mean that he was from the tribe of Levi, the people who served as the staff of the Temple: musicians, guards, custodians, or record-keepers. From the way he wrote, we can be certain Matthew was Jewish. Many tax collectors collected as much money as they could in any way that they could in order to become very rich. Tax-collectors were considered to be so dishonest that they could not testify in courts of law. Were it true that Matthew descended from the Levite servants of the Temple, then it would be something indeed that he would 'opt-out' of servanthood to became a tax collector. There's no question then that Matthew made a 'new beginning' when he chose to follow Jesus, and I believe suggests the reason he is represented so in the 8th foundation of the New Jerusalem. Interestingly, two of the principle colors of beryl are gold and green, the colors of money.
Again, with a little digging we can come to understand more about why some of these gems may have been chosen for their particular placement in ephod of the Old Covenant Church and in the foundations of the New Covenant Church.
NEXT POST: Diamonds and The Real Thing remix
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