It's notable that the exact identity of a few stones mentioned in Exodus 28 and Revelation 21 are uncertain and differ from translation to translation. Since many of the stones are now contemporary birthstones, I will highlight them in the months in which they correspond, not necessarily in the order they are mentioned in scripture. It's also notable that the number 12 (the number of perfection in government, and completion) is a key theme throughout these particular posts.
The Gems of Exodus and Revelation - Amethyst
The breastplate of Aaron was constructed to hold four rows of three stones each (a square of 12 stones) and each stone was inscribed with the name of one of the 12 tribes of Israel. In the account of its' construction found in the 28th Chapter of Exodus, amethyst is placed third in the third row and represented the tribe of Benjamin. This 'third of third' placement may give insight to the one whom amethyst would represent in the 12th foundation of the New Jerusalem.
In Revelation Chapter 21 amethyst is mentioned as the last of 12 foundations on which the walls of the New Jerusalem will rest. Just as the 12 stones in the ephod represented the names of the 12 sons of Israel, the 12 foundations of the New Jerusalem will represent the 12 apostles. Starting with the first foundation and using the order written in Matthew 10:2-4 we would begin with Peter (Matthew 16:18) and match the order of names with each foundation as they stack up. Of course Judas removed himself from the original twelve. Not all transcripts agree in regard to who this 12th foundation represents. Some include Matthias (who replaced Judas among the apostles in Acts 1:20-26) in place of Paul, however, Paul is sited more often likely because he was chosen by Jesus himself as were the original twelve apostles (Acts 9:15). (Since this is my blog, I'm going with the guy Jesus chose, and the most prolific writer for His cause.) Remember that Saul (Paul) did not see, and did not eat or drink (3 things) for 3 days upon his conversion on the Damascus road. Now think about that 'third of third' placement of amethyst in the breastplate. And, in Philippians 3:4-6 Paul himself acknowledges his lineage as the tribe of Benjamin, who is represented by amethyst in the breastplate of Aaron.
Amethyst is purple, the color of royalty. It's no coincidence that the walls of the New Jerusalem, the eternal home of Jesus-the King of Kings, would rest directly on a gem of that color.
Amethyst is also the color of wine. Wine represents 'joy' in scripture. Remember the wedding party in Cana and the site of Jesus' first miracle? The hosts ran out of wine, i.e. joy. Jesus turned water into wine and restored their joy. The New Jerusalem will be a place of eternal joy.

NEXT POST: Aquamarine and Living Water
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