Sunday, November 1, 2009

Confession and Glass Cleaner

The Karat Patch jewelry store in Big Spring, Texas is full of glass. For security reasons we only have one glass door and window. But inside the store there are display cases, wall units, and a sales counter made of glass. And not just glass but mirrors too. It's is a 'glass rich' environment. Every morning and most days around 1:00pm, we have to clean fingerprints and arm-prints off the glass. During busy times of the year, like the Christmas season, we clean the glass 3 or 4 times a day. It really is a constant job to keep the glass and mirrors clean. You can just imagine how things would be if we did not keep the glass clean: at some point one might not be able to see what's behind the glass at all.

I've often thought about all that work to keep the glass clean. We must keep the glass clean so that folks can see the beautiful jewelry inside those displays. When the glass isn't clean it distorts the beauty of things behind it.

Sometimes when I'm cleaning the glass, I think about how much we Christians are like that glass display. When we accept Christ as our Savior, we have the person of Jesus Christ inside of us. As humans, we sin. Sin is like those fingerprints and arm-prints on the glass in that it leaves something on our lives that distorts the view others have of what's on the inside.

We use a variety of products to keep our glass clean and even to prevent fingerprints. But there's only one way to clean away sin on our lives...confession. Scripture says (1John 1:9) when we confess our sin that Jesus is faithful and just to forgive us, and CLEANSE us from ALL unrighteousness. If we never confess our sin it's like that glass that never gets cleaned; it becomes very difficult to see the beauty of Jesus that lives within us. But when we confess our sin, we're like clean glass through which folks can see the beautiful things inside of us namely, the hope...the glory...the salvation...and the person of Jesus Christ.Confession and glass cleaner....things that make it possible to see the beauty within.


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